For THEM, the major divinely-conceived, sacred and immutable provisions of the Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá—Document stated by Shoghi Effendi to be nothing less than a part of the explicit Holy Text—are no longer applicable and have now become null and void.

For THEM, the"TWIN"and"inseparable institutions" and these "two fundamental organs" of the Bahá'í Administrative Order, as prescribed by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in His Will and Testament, whose essentiality has been repeatedly emphasized by Shoghi Effendi in his writings, have been shamelessly replaced, with impunity, by a single, illegitimate, headless, and therefore hideously deformed body, which notwithstanding this obvious fact, they have nefariously foisted upon the Bahá’í World as the legitimate Universal House of Justice delineated by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in His Will.

For THEM, it is no longer of any consequence that the Guardian of the Cause of God is not available to preside as the permanent and sacred head of their defective so-called Universal House of Justice and provide the necessary guidance to define the sphere of its legislative action, or when essential, insist upon a reconsideration by them of any enactment he conscientiously believes to conflict with the meaning and to depart from the spirit of Bahá’u’lláh’s revealed utterances.

For THEM, no shame or guilt is felt in their substitution of a grossly imperfect man-made administrative system in place of the divinely-conceived Order delineated by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in His Will and Testament, despite the fact that Shoghi Effendi has stated that this Administrative Order is "not only the nucleus but the very pattern of the New World Order destined to embrace in the fullness of time the whole of mankind," nor do they seem to realize that this "New World Order" can never become a reality under their seriously flawed humanly-devised administrative system.

For THEM, it matters not that the man-made, grossly defective and highly corrupted administrative organization that they have so reprehensibly substituted for the divinely-conceived Bahá’í Administrative Order, delineated by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in His Will and Testament, and whose provisions, Shoghi Effendi stated are "the rudiments of the future all-enfolding Bahá’í Commonwealth" or that the "most great, this new World Order" and "this unique, this wondrous System—the like of which mortal eyes have never witnessed" can now never become a reality.

Who are the "THEM" referred to above? They were initially the twenty-six of the twenty-seven Hands of the Cause assembled in conclave in Haifa some three weeks following the sudden and unexpected passing of Shoghi Effendi, in London, England on November 4, 1957. Having lost sight of the fact that, according to the explicit provisions of the Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá it was incumbent upon the Guardian of the Cause of God to make the appointment of his successor in his own life-time, a requirement with which, in steadfast fidelity to that sacred Mandate, Shoghi Effendi would have certainly complied, they searched for a will and testament left by Shoghi Effendi which, of course, they never found. Had they instead reexamined the clauses in the Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá concerning the matter of succession they then would have realized their inexcusable error in expecting to find a testamentary document appointing his successor as Shoghi Effendi would have obviously identified his successor in an announcement he had made sometime during his ministry which they had overlooked at the time. Having perceived this error, they would have then initiated a thorough investigation and reexamination of Shoghi Effendi's past statements and actions, certain that in performing such a search they would discover the identity of the one whom he had appointed as his successor, as well as the reason why he had been forced to veil this appointment, although made publicly, in such an unexpected way, that it had precluded the disclosure and the great shock to the believers had the identity of his successor been perceived, at the time, with its dreadful, unthinkable and certain prediction of his early demise destined to take place in 1957. Had they carried out this search instead of making their hasty decision that Shoghi Effendi had failed to name a successor, they would have undoubtedly discovered to their astonishment that the second Guardian of the Faith, humbly unmindful as he was himself of this appointment, at the time, would be found in their very midst.

This search never took place and they hastily tragically concluded that the Guardianship of the Cause of God had come to a premature end only 36 years after the inception of the Administrative Order in November, 1921 upon the Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. They then took it upon themselves to appoint an illegitimate body from their number comprised of nine Hands, to which they gave the title: "Custodians of the Bahá’í World Faith" and to which they incredulously assigned the rights and functions of the Guardianship. This now illicitly formed supreme body remained unaware and ignorant of the continuing Guardianship, as well, and stubbornly refused, despite the many insistent appeals, as subsequently reported by one of its members who had made them, to reconsider the tragic conclusion and decision reached by the Hands in their first conclave that the Guardianship had come to an end. This body, with its seat in Haifa reigned over the Faith for some six years until its demise and replacement with the so-called Universal House of Justice, elected during Ridván,1963. This equally illicitly formed body and its successor elected bodies have also stubbornly refused to examine the facts, that have been presented by the believers under the Guardianship, that were obviously overlooked by the Hands, immediately following the passing of Shoghi Effendi, which undeniably provide evidence that he faithfully and unquestionably insured the continuation of the Guardianship. In turn, this body has influenced the great mass of believers to avoid any contact with those believers who have accepted the living Guardian of the Faith or to read any of the material they have published, using the diabolic argument that in doing so they would be consorting with those believers whom they have labeled, under their distorted interpretation, as Covenant-breakers, although these believers, unlike themselves, continue to faithfully adhere to every clause of the sacred and immutable provisions of the divinely-conceived Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

The overwhelming evidence that proves the continuance of the Guardianship may be found not only in my web site http://www.Bahai-Guardian.com but, as well, in many of the other sites that have been established by Bahá’ís faithful to the Guardianship:

Joel Bray Marangella

Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith

March 2008