Annex 9 The annexes





(Text of the telegram addressed by Mr. Faizi to the French believers who accepted the second Guardian and who so advised the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of France of this acceptance.

"The NSA’S of the world have rejected the unfounded claim of Mason Remey and have reported to the Hands in the Holy Land (stop). In the files of the dissolved NSA, I found your letter accepting his claim (stop). I give you twenty-four hours to send your supplications to the Holy Land (stop). Pray (for) forgiveness (for) your unfortunate and serious error (stop). Advise me of your decision if you do not remain loyal (stop). Instructions emanating from the divinely-ordained Institution of the Hands of the Cause, result is serious for your spiritual life (stop). I am the Hand of the Cause appointed by the Well-Beloved.


Paris, May 9, 1960