Convey all National Assemblies Bahá'í World following momentous announcement:
Approaching great Jubilee commemorating Centenary termination (of) Bábi Dispensation (and) Birth (of) Bahá'u'lláh Revelation (in) Síyáh-Chál, Tihrán, as well as imperative necessity adopt effectual measures insure befitting inauguration third concluding phase of initial epoch (in) execution (of) 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Divine Plan destined culminate (in) hundredth Anniversary Declaration (of) Founder (of) Faith (in) Baghdád, impel me summon entire Bahá'í world through eleven National Assemblies already functioning East West bestir itself, arise during sixteen months ahead, through supreme concerted sustained effort prepare for demonstration (of) Bahá'í solidarity unprecedented scope intensity entire course (of) Bahá'í history.
Forthcoming celebrations must be signalized through inauguration (of) long anticipated intercontinental stage in administrative evolution (of) Faith, marking its gradual development through successive phases (of ) local, regional, national, international Bahá'í activity. Initiation this highly significant measure further cementing Bahá'í National Assemblies (on) five continents (of) globe will be acclaimed (by) posterity as counterpart consolidation Faith at its World Center through recent formation International Bahá'í Council (in) Holy Land.